Please help us raise $40,000 (cost of the fireworks show) to keep this 36 year Hell's Gate Fireworks Show tradition going! 

Serving PK Visitors & Residents


Our mission is to encourage and support visitors to Possum Kingdom Lake while serving the ongoing needs of our residents. Our more than 350 plus members offer products and services in over 300 business categories to help our visitors get the most from their visit to PK, while supporting the lifestyle needs of our residents and property owners. If you are a visitor, thank you for choosing our destination. If you are a business, we invite you to join us.

Board of Directors

Sue Cathey - President

Lesa Pawley - 1st VP

Kim Nussbaum - 2nd VP

Shayla Rae Lillard - Secretary

Bryce Gentry - Treasurer

Justin Burney - Past President

Ronnie Ranft

Linda Fewell

Steve Himes


Staci Williams - Executive Director

Hannah Holstein - Administrative Assistant

Board Meetings

PKCC Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Schedule - 2nd Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm at the PK Chamber of Commerce building.